Sunday, January 31, 2010
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:10-12)
The final and most highly emphasized beatitude!
1. We are to be hunted down as 'wild beasts'.
2. Reviled, mocked and persecuted.
3. This is all to develop righteousness in us.
We will be blessed to stand up for Christ, shall inherit the kingdom of heaven now and also receive heavenly reward. The prophets suffered in the same way and we must rejoice and be glad in our suffering.
Living in the Western society which is New Zealand, with its relative freedom of religious expression, it is difficult to comprehend this final beatitude. Certainly, Christianity has gone from being mainstream when I was growing up, to now, a minority grouping within society. We may receive ridicule from the humanistic elite and, as has always been the case, from those who choose to live of 'debauchery'. Yet, at this time, 'persecution' is not a word that could be applied to my life experience.
When I look back through history and round the world today however, it is clear that persecution has always accompanied cutting edge Christianity. To make matters worse, Christian has even persecuted Christian!
Christianity, with it's message of internal peace (as we saw last week) in an antagonistic world, is a revolutionary message and way of life. Jesus was a 'peaceful revolutionary'! Hard for believers to understand with our human understanding, and impossible for the world to comprehend.
Jesus promised us persecution!
John 15:20a
To the martyr comes the ultimate reward.
Revelation 6:9-11
Real, all out, full on, Christianity develops most rapidly under persecution. The persecuted church both exists and is growing today. The 10 countries where the greatest persecution exists, according to International Christian Concern are; 1 North Korea, 2 Iraq, 3 Saudi Arabia, 4 Somalia, 5 India, 6 China, 7 Pakistan, 8 Iran, 9 Eritrea and 10 Vietnam.
To be honest, I have no real desire to be persecuted! Yet, I can see how persecution both tests and strengthens the faith of genuine believers.
Lord, may your will be done in me, no matter the cost.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. (Matthew 5:6)
This is the greatest promise of all the beatitudes, but is also the hardest to attain to.
On the one side we are to a pure heart, devoid of earthly lusts and desires. If we do so, the promise is that we will see God, not just at a future time in heaven, but on earth, now. In doing so we will become part of the 'bride of Christ' for which Jesus is returning.
This beatitude is both the most important, and will become the most controversial, in this time of revelation of God's kingdom being not just in heaven but truly being established upon the earth. Why? Because 99.999% of Christians (including me) have not yet reached this place.
Yet Jesus is to return for a perfect bride.
Revelation 19:7-8
I am sure that if we are both being honest, we will agree that we haven't reached this level of purity of thought and living yet. And, continuing in the honesty vein, we would admit that it is impossible to achieve in our own strength.
Over the past years, as the Lord has shown me a little of what is to come. In my humanness, I have thought that it is impossible, likely just my imagination! Yet, in more recent times, I have found that there are many others that the Lord has, and is, giving the same, impossible vision to.
One lesson I have learned is, no matter how I might try, I cannot achieve a life of purity through my own efforts. I fall far short of wearing a pure white robe. For I know my thoughts are not God's thoughts, as He indeed explained through Isaiah.
Isaiah 55:8-9
However, I believe the way of the end times is to be different to what we have seen, both in our own lives and in the church. For we live in New Covenant (Testament) times.
1 Corinthians 15:46-9
My friend, we are on a walk with Jesus. I don't know the turns the path is going to take, but I am confident that as long as I allow myself to be led by my Saviour, I will end up at the place promised in Romans.
Romans 8:19-23
While the world may in recession and gloom, the future for sold out believers has never looked brighter!
"Lord, I give You my permission to change me into the one you would desire me to be."
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. (Matthew 5:9)
This is talking about making peace amongst groups of people with divergent opinions, often considered to be the role of a pastor or minister. It is not referring to world peace, which we know will not happen, until temporarily, during the time of the antichrist. True universal peace will only come with the return of Jesus.
Peacemaking would not be a natural attribute of mine! Ask my wife!
I am not deliberately antagonistic, but in the natural, have been driven to achieve the goals I set myself.
Over the years however, as Jesus has changed my life (and perhaps also with the more years) I have 'mellowed' in my attitudes and behaviours. While peacemaking is still not my strongpoint, it is not so much a negative in my life either.
One problem I have observed in the church is that peacemaking, by its very nature, leads to compromise. While this is a good thing in inconsequential areas, as Paul pointed out,
Romans 14:5-8
However, when it compromises basic truths, which is often the case in our modern society, based upon relative morality, peacemaking can so easily slip into error.
Oh, if only life was easy!
So, I need to stand on the truths the Lord has imparted to me to share, but with wisdom, appreciating and understanding that you may not have the same revelation, and certainly not to condemn you for that. Humility and peacemaking walk hand in hand.
I look forward to that seemingly impossible day (in human understanding, at least) when
Ephesians 4:13
Then we will be at peace - with one another, if not the world.
To be seen as sons of God we must be peacemakers. May we both remember, next time we feel to provoke or continue an argument!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. (Matthew 5:6)
There are two meanings accorded to this beatitude.
Firstly, we can look from a melancholy, physical viewpoint. A spiritual blessing will be given to those, who because of their search for righteousness suffer physical deprivation.
Secondly, from a spiritual perspective. Those with a hunger for knowing God more and becoming like Jesus, through living a righteous life, will be spiritually blessed.
A natural characteristic of my nature is to give my all to what I do.
In the physical, whether it is at work or in sport, I do my best to do my best. I remember at school (some time ago now!) competing in the annual, compulsory, cross country running race, being in third place (out of a hundred or two) with just two boys, twins actually, from the year ahead of me out in front. John, a tremendous runner, was well ahead, and his brother Robert, 50 metres in front of me. I resigned myself to third place. When Robert got to the finishing line he collapsed, completely exhausted. I arrived a few seconds later, still with some energy left. I could have beaten Robert, had I not been wrongly convinced in my own mind that he was going to beat me. I learned a lesson that day, to give my best, even when things seem impossible.
When I accepted Jesus as a 42 year old, it too, had to be all or nothing. In my early life I had been a ‘churchian’, before becoming disillusioned and moving out into the world for 15 years or so. Coming back into the church, this time as a genuine believer, I read my Bible, listened to sermons, attended teaching sessions and courses absorbing what I learned to gradually change my life. A process of change that still continues today and will, I trust, into the future.
But over the years, I have discovered that hungering for righteousness, of seeking to become like Jesus, is more than attending church and being involved in its activities. Indeed, discovered that righteousness is a state of ‘being’ rather than one of ‘doing’. This has been a profound, life changing, progressive revelation to me.
Some readers think I ‘slag’ the traditional church system. This is neither my heart, nor my intention at all. My desire, with all my weaknesses and failings, is simply to become more like Jesus personally and to see ‘the church’, however you define it, move in a similar direction. To achieve this it is necessary to change our focus away from the ‘institution’ of the church to the ‘person’ of Jesus.
The church has not made one single person righteous. It is only Jesus, through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit, who can turn around our lives to live as the Father desires. The church is not to be an end in itself, but rather the means to an end. The physicality of property, position and programmes has taken precedence over the biblically ordained spiritual role of leading people to Christ and building believers into disciples, encouraging hunger for, and developing, righteousness in one's life.
Attending meetings and doing good works can lead to a form of righteousness or godliness, but as we see today, it is one without power. I will leave you with a warning from the Bible. Please don’t blame me! These are not my words!
2 Timothy 3:1-5
May we, the church, not become as these.
7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. (Matthew 5:6)
Matthew Henry puts it better than I can.
"The merciful are happy, v. 7. This, like the rest, is a paradox; for the merciful are not taken to be the wisest, nor are likely to be the richest; yet Christ pronounces them blessed. Those are the merciful, who are piously and charitably inclined to pity, help, and succour persons in misery. A man may be truly merciful, who has not wherewithal to be bountiful or liberal; and then God accepts the willing mind. We must not only bear our own afflictions patiently, but we must, by Christian sympathy, partake of the afflictions of our brethren; pity must be shown (Job 6:14), and bowels of mercy put on (Col. 3:12); and, being put on, they must put forth themselves in contributing all we can for the assistance of those who are any way in misery. We must have compassion on the souls of others, and help them; pity the ignorant, and instruct them; the careless, and warn them; those who are in a state of sin, and snatch them as brands out of the burning...... One of the purest and most refined delights in this world, is that of doing good. In this word, Blessed are the merciful, is included that saying of Christ, which otherwise we find not in the gospels, It is more blessed to give than to receive, Acts 20:35.
Henry, Matthew, Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Bible, (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers) 1997.
Another area of challenge in my life!
My wife would say I have (had) the mercy of a pinhead! Not in such words, mind you, but I do get the point!
In the natural I am hard on myself, and have high expectations of others, but not as high as I have of me, if that makes sense. Therefore, pastoring is not a gifting I am blessed with in great quantities! Empathy has never been a strong point!
But God does change us - if we let Him. Over the years I have mellowed and He has put me in situations, such as those with cancer sufferers that I talked about earlier, that have necessitated some development of this trait. People do now seem able to bring me their problems and get a sympathetic ear, particularly if they are genuinely prepared, where it is possible, to take practical steps to overcome them.
While some of the most merciful among you may not agree with me, I believe that while Jesus showed tremendous mercy, He also was quite definite in wanting people to change their lives. An example is the woman caught in adultery.
John 8:10-11
Shortly after becoming a Christian, God gave me a prophetic word for a necessary reconciliation required for a particular church. Before taking the word to the church concerned I spoke to a godly lady who had once been a part of that church. She agreed that it was accurate but gave me an additional Scripture with which to conclude - just the end part of the verse in bold.
James 2:12-13
I have never forgotten that - even if I have not always applied it!
The second basic area of mercy Matthew Henry comments on is that of doing good to others. This really is a key point of witness of our faith to the world. For doing good without expectation of something in return is a key element that distinguishes a follower of Jesus from most other people in the world.
For Kathy and I, completely unexpectedly to me, this has come in the form of Seekers Megamarts where we raise funds for development projects for Africa as well as assisting our local communities with affordable recycled clothing.
I said, 'completely unexpectedly to me', as I thought I would be in full time writing, internet and travelling ministry forever, as I had been for the 7 previous years. However, before I last travelled to Africa, 2 1/2 years ago, the Lord prepared me by saying that He had given me most of the revelation He wanted to give, and now would come a time of getting it out. Then, when in Africa, He led me, kicking and struggling, wondering whether it was Him or not, into the idea of the clothing. Something that has just taken off and which I can see will help get the concepts He has given me spread more widely in the future. I believe there is now a better balance in my life between faith and works.
No, I have not got there in terms of mercy yet, but the Lord is working on it. He has to, for it is outside my ability to change, as indeed is the application of all the Beatitudes. While some prefer to put then to one side as being too idealistic, I believe that the Lord is calling His end time church, His bride, through submission of our lives to Him, to live out the Beatitudes in our daily lives. I know, it is impossible in my own strength. But in and through Him, all things are possible. He can even change me!
Monday, January 11, 2010
We look at the righteous and the merciful. Seen more as signs of weakness in today's ruthless world!
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)
This is another strange blessing - in our eyes! But what sort of mourning is Jesus talking about?
It is not human mourning, which is likely to be self pity, nor the natural mourning over the death of a loved one, right and proper though that is.
Rather, it is firstly a genuine sorrow over the unworthy state of our own life when compared to the righteousness and holiness of God. Not 'woe is me' but an acknowledgement that we have not yet reached the place that our God desires us to be.
Secondly a godly concern over the state of others. This is to be reflected in both a grieving for those who are unsaved and sinful along with the ability to empathise with others who are going through hard times in their lives.
When we first walk with Jesus and make basic changes in our lives, we can easily start to feel we have done well - and so we have. But as we get deeper into relationship with Him, becoming closer to Him, the more we start to understand how far away from being like Him we really are. I have certainly found this to be the case in my life. Hence one of my favorite 'David's Doodlings'.
The closer I get to God, the further away I realise I actually am.
While it often is relatively easy to get rid of many (though not all) of the 'thou shalt nots' in life, it is much more difficult to develop the 'thou shalts', which are really the heart of becoming like Jesus.
Not all are called to be evangelists, but we are all called to evangelise. How? Firstly, through prayer for those we specifically know need Jesus. I find women are far better at this than us men - and me in particular! Secondly, by being as Jesus to others. This is of course, harder to do to those closest to us, as they know us best, all too well seeing our weaknesses!
My wife would say I was born without natural empathy! And she would be right, for I have always been a task focused person. Can I change myself? Well, I can be aware of my nature and temper the extremes of it. But basically, it needs God to change me to give me a heart for others.
So how does He do this? Firstly, I have to be willing to be changed! This is a challenge, for we all resist change. But being a little open, God has done at least two things to help change me.
I have been blessed to be a basically fit, healthy and active person. Hospital visiting etc., was not my thing. Then, my friend Gary who had greatly helped me in WWJ, got terminal cancer. The Lord had me spend time with him. It was hard. Not only was my friend dying but I had no skills or experience in handling the situation. I had to let Jesus do it. Gradually it became easier as I learned from Jesus. Since then, I have had a mini ministry to people with cancer. Some have died, others recovered. It is never easy, but Jesus has changed me to be able to cope with these situations and to be a blessing to the people.
He also gave me the PGIM newsletter, as an encouragement to those in ministry, that is, all believers. Sometimes I know I fail, but I guess you are still reading this now! When I first started, 7 years ago, the writings were more general and less challenging - of me and you. I know a few would like me to go back to that style. To have a laugh, maybe make a point, then both of us go back to how we were.
The last year or two though, there has been both a change in me and I believe, in the general spiritual atmosphere. God is pressing more urgently in these latter days to develop His kingdom. Not just in me, but through many, many, kingdom followers worldwide. There is a sense of urgency and excitement building in my spirit. I have a burden to share it with you. I apologise if I sometimes offend or seem to have lost the plot. But I do trust that, on the whole, you are getting the gist of the major change of direction God is calling us to today. A movement away from 'this church' and 'that church' to simply all being 'the church', the living kingdom of God on the earth.
No, I have not become perfect, nor are any at this time. But we are open to being changed into the image of Jesus. For we earnestly desire to be part of the perfect bride for whom Jesus is returning.
Revelation 19:7-8
Is it your desire to be a part of the bride too?
5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5)
In human thought we so easily substitute a 'w' for the 'm', then reject this statement of Jesus!
Yet Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary puts a completely different slant upon it.
The meek are those who quietly submit themselves to God, to his word and to his rod, who follow his directions, and comply with his designs, and are gentle towards all men (Tit. 3:2).... which says;
Titus 2:3
Interestingly this is virtually (in spite of what prosperity preachers preach!) the only express temporal promise in the New Testament. For the meek will inherit the earth. Amazing!
In essence though, this command of Jesus is similar to the ones that preceded it - be obedient to God and His will for our life. If we do so, then these behaviors will automatically develop, as they are of God.
As meekness is so easily confused with weakness, it is very hard to live out in the world, particularly for a person who is task motivated and success driven.
The first thing we have to learn is that we (me) are not the centre of the universe, round which everything else revolves. Leaders will always struggle with this, for they see their role is to lead, with others to follow. Living in peaceful harmony with others when things don't go our way is both difficult to accept and enact.
For most of us, this does get easier with age, when perhaps, in the natural, we become less driven and more accepting of others. However true meekness or humility has to come from God.
I have found over the years that as I get closer to God, He will change me, as I allow Him to. It is always a two way street. Submission must come before change happens.
The week this was written was figuratively 'a week from hell' as far as staffing at Seekers is concerned. We had a wedding involving a number of the staff, two funerals and a 'big' birthday to contend with, which meant that staff were away when we needed them most. To compound the problem, this has been a busy week, for me, of preparation for our new shop at Masterton, 300km away, that we were opening in 3 weeks. Everything that could go wrong did! A huge test for me! I so nearly lost it! Some staff were aware of my displeasure, but I didn't 'lose it' with any.
In the end, thanks so much to our dear friend Mihi, who arranged for a team of people to come and assist with painting 96 clothing racks, as well as looking after the shop when we were 'staffless', everything got done. Thank you so much Mihi, and also Graeme, for all your help too. Graeme even brought his friend Noel to do some painting on the morning of Noel's wedding day! That takes some beating as a pre-wedding experience!
Meekness often fails under pressure. Pressure tells us how much our lives have really changed round. I wasn't perfect, but much improved on what I would have been like, say 10 years ago.
How about you?
..... as we look at righteousness and mercy.
How different God's ways are from ours!
May we always be conscious of this as we go about our day to day lives, seeking the Holy Spirit to help us to react to the situations we face in a Godly manner.
It is not easy, but with His help we can beacons for Jesus in this ever darkening world.
Historical Overview
The Sadducees
The Sadducees were so named because they claimed to be descended from Zadok, the high priest at the time of King David and King Solomon. They consisted of the wealthy aristocratic families who controlled the office of high priest. They rejected belief in angels and the resurrection, but they were not liberal rationalists. Rather, they were staunch conservatives, who observed the Law of the Books of Moses (Pentateuch) and who rejected later interpretations of the law, the 'oral law'.
So until next week.......
His servant and yours
Friday, January 8, 2010
4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)
This is another strange blessing - in our eyes! But what sort of mourning is Jesus talking about?
It is not human mourning, which is likely to be self pity, nor the natural mourning over the death of a loved one, right and proper though that is.
Rather, it is firstly a genuine sorrow over the unworthy state of our own life when compared to the righteousness and holiness of God. Not 'woe is me' but an acknowledgement that we have not yet reached the place that our God desires us to be.
Secondly a godly concern over the state of others. This is to be reflected in both a grieving for those who are unsaved and sinful along with the ability to empathise with others who are going through hard times in their lives.
When we first walk with Jesus and make basic changes in our lives, we can easily start to feel we have done well - and so we have. But as we get deeper into relationship with Him, becoming closer to Him, the more we start to understand how far away from being like Him we really are. I have certainly found this to be the case in my life. Hence one of my favorite 'David's Doodlings'.
The closer I get to God, the further away I realise I actually am.
While it often is relatively easy to get rid of many (though not all) of the 'thou shalt nots' in life, it is much more difficult to develop the 'thou shalts', which are really the heart of becoming like Jesus.
Not all are called to be evangelists, but we are all called to evangelise. How? Firstly, through prayer for those we specifically know need Jesus. I find women are far better at this than us men - and me in particular! Secondly, by being as Jesus to others. This is of course, harder to do to those closest to us, as they know us best, all too well seeing our weaknesses!
My wife would say I was born without natural empathy! And she would be right, for I have always been a task focused person. Can I change myself? Well, I can be aware of my nature and temper the extremes of it. But basically, it needs God to change me to give me a heart for others.
So how does He do this? Firstly, I have to be willing to be changed! This is a challenge, for we all resist change. But being a little open, God has done at least two things to help change me.
I have been blessed to be a basically fit, healthy and active person. Hospital visiting etc., was not my thing. Then, my friend Gary who had greatly helped me in WWJ, got terminal cancer. The Lord had me spend time with him. It was hard. Not only was my friend dying but I had no skills or experience in handling the situation. I had to let Jesus do it. Gradually it became easier as I learned from Jesus. Since then, I have had a mini ministry to people with cancer. Some have died, others recovered. It is never easy, but Jesus has changed me to be able to cope with these situations and to be a blessing to the people.
He also gave me the PGIM newsletter, as an encouragement to those in ministry, that is, all believers. Sometimes I know I fail. When I first started, 7 years ago, the writings were more general and less challenging - of me and you. I know a few would like me to go back to that style. To have a laugh, maybe make a point, then both of us go back to how we were.
The last year or two though, there has been both a change in me and I believe, in the general spiritual atmosphere. God is pressing more urgently in these latter days to develop His kingdom. Not just in me, but through many, many, kingdom followers worldwide. There is a sense of urgency and excitement building in my spirit. I have a burden to share it with you. I apologise if I sometimes offend or seem to have lost the plot. But I do trust that, on the whole, you are getting the gist of the major change of direction God is calling us to today. A movement away from 'this church' and 'that church' to simply all being 'the church', the living kingdom of God on the earth.
No, I have not become perfect, nor are any at this time. But we are open to being changed into the image of Jesus. For we earnestly desire to be part of the perfect bride for whom Jesus is returning.
Revelation 19:7-8
Is it your desire to be a part of the bride too?
5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5)
In human thought we so easily substitute a 'w' for the 'm', then reject this statement of Jesus!
Yet Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary puts a completely different slant upon it.
The meek are those who quietly submit themselves to God, to his word and to his rod, who follow his directions, and comply with his designs, and are gentle towards all men (Tit. 3:2).... which says;
Titus 2:3
Interestingly this is virtually (in spite of what prosperity preachers preach!) the only express temporal promise in the New Testament. For the meek will inherit the earth. Amazing!
In essence though, this command of Jesus is similar to the ones that preceded it - be obedient to God and His will for our life. If we do so, then these behaviors will automatically develop, as they are of God.
As meekness is so easily confused with weakness, it is very hard to live out in the world, particularly for a person who is task motivated and success driven.
The first thing we have to learn is that we (me) are not the centre of the universe, round which everything else revolves. Leaders will always struggle with this, for they see their role is to lead, with others to follow. Living in peaceful harmony with others when things don't go our way is both difficult to accept and enact.
For most of us, this does get easier with age, when perhaps, in the natural, we become less driven and more accepting of others. However true meekness or humility has to come from God.
I have found over the years that as I get closer to God, He will change me, as I allow Him to. It is always a two way street. Submission must come before change happens.
This week has figuratively been 'a week from hell' as far as staffing at Seekers is concerned. We had a wedding involving a number of the staff, two funerals and a 'big' birthday to contend with, which meant that staff were away when we needed them most. To compound the problem, this has been a busy week, for me, of preparation for our new shop at Masterton, 300km away, that we are opening in 3 weeks. Everything that could go wrong did! A huge test for me! I so nearly lost it! Some staff were aware of my displeasure, but I didn't 'lose it' with any.
In the end, thanks so much to our dear friend Mihi, who arranged for a team of people to come and assist with painting 96 clothing racks, as well as looking after the shop when we were 'staffless', everything got done. Thank you so much Mihi, and also Graeme, for all your help too. Graeme even brought his friend Noel to do some painting on the morning of Noel's wedding day! That takes some beating as a pre-wedding experience!
Meekness often fails under pressure. Pressure tells us how much our lives have really changed round. I wasn't perfect, but much improved on what I would have been like, say 10 years ago.
How about you?
..... as we look at the righteous and the merciful. Seen as more signs of weakness in today's ruthless world!
Being honest, these are not desirable traits in the way the world understands them. But I hope you have seen that, when looked at from the perspective of God's understanding, mourning and meekness are vital ingredients of 'walking with Jesus.'
"Lord, help us understand and apply these principles to our lives."
So until next week.......
His servant and yours
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